Saturday, March 21, 2009

National Campfire

Last Saturday, 14th March 2009, we attended the National Campfire that was held in SMK Haji Zainul Abidin. The day started out with a bit of rain and when the Sun came out, there was a rainbow!

There were quite a few other schools there too. (sorry about the pictures but I didn't realise until later that my camera was in the wrong mode.)

Everything was already set up by the time we got there and everyone was a given a supporting item to wave around. Someone even managed to get foam hands! We loved those!

When it got dark, it started raining but we kept on partying! But soon the teacher said those that wanted to go home could go home and lots of people left. The rest of us that stayed were soaking wet but we didn't care!

I didn't get any shots of the dancing because it was dark and they were far away.... BUT, I got a picture of the fancy dress!

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